Top 3 reasons to vacuum kiln your wood

Have you ever had to turn down a woodworking job because the client wanted a product with a short turnaround time? Either you didn’t have dried wood on hand or couldn’t get the wood dried within the time frame. Using a vacuum kiln could solve that problem. 

Drying wood is a necessary step in woodworking. There are several methods available from air drying to steam or solar kilns. These methods can take months or years. A vacuum kiln can reduce that turnaround to days or weeks. Vacuum kilns have been around since the 1970s but newer technology is making them available to commercial and hobbyist woodworkers alike. What are the benefits of vacuum kiln drying your wood?

First, a brief description of how the vacuum kiln works. A vacuum kiln reduces the air pressure inside the chamber, in turn lowering the boiling temperature of water and allowing it to vaporize more quickly at lower temperatures. It also differs from other kinds of kilns by drying the wood from the inside out versus other kilns dry wood from the outside to the inside. Without further ado, the top 3 reasons to use a vacuum kiln

  1. Faster drying time–the reduced air pressure makes it easier to remove the moisture quickly–up to 90% quicker. This translates to increased opportunities for you to say yes to more clients and increasing your revenue.

  2. Less wood damage and increased wood quality–the lower temperatures and reduced drying time minimizes damage such as cracking and warping. Which means increased yield and less repair work for you, increasing your revenue.

  3. Energy efficiency–vacuum kilns use significantly less energy than other types of kilns which lowers the energy cost; thereby, increasing your revenue.

Using a vacuum kiln can help you do more of the work you love, creating beautiful pieces of high quality work in less time, leading to more revenue for your business. Are you convinced?


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