Frequently asked questions.
What is a Vacuum kiln?
It is a kiln that utilizes a vacuum technology to lower the temperature at which water boils and evaporates, speeding up the time it takes to dry wood. Vacuum pressure also sucks water from the core to the outside of the wood, allowing it to dry from inside out. This helps with the stability of the wood and results in less warping. When wood is air dried, it dries from the outside to the inside and because wood shrinks when it dries, this can cause stability and warping issues.
how long does it usually take?
It typically takes 2-3 weeks depending upon the thickness and the moisture content of the wood when it enters the kiln.
Does it matter what type of wood it is?
The kiln can dry any type of wood. What matters most is the thickness and moisture content when entering the kiln. Hardwoods typically take longer to dry than softwoods.
How much does it cost?
You can check out our kiln drying services here;
Our bug killing services here;
Our CNC rates here.
For a specific quote, feel free to email us at info@welhousstudio.com
do you offer pick up/drop off service?
No, not at this time. Wood can be dropped off and picked up at our Garden City location. Drop off/pick up days are usually Saturday and Sunday. We will do our best to accommodate a drop off/pick up time during the week, if necessary.
Does it need to be stickered?
No, but stickering your wood is a good idea if you’re going to let it sit for any amount of time. The moisture in the wood can cause mold to grow in even a few days. Once you bring it to the kiln, we will sticker the wood using our Air-O-flow kiln sticks from DHM Company. These kiln sticks are designed to provide maximum air flow in the kiln to get you the best results.
Do You offer discounts for flattening slabs?
Yes, we offer a discounted rate on our CNC Flattening Services after your wood had been dried in the kiln.
Can Welhous Studio make my table?
No, we do not offer custom furniture making at this time. We are happy to provide you a list of talented local woodworkers for all of your projects.